With several marketing strategies, social media advertising is one of the most effective ways to maximize your online presence and generate leads and sales online. Here are 4 of the most effective techniques of advertising through social media.

5 Effective Techniques of Advertising Through Social Media

Facebook Advertising

Facebook can work in almost any market. This social media juggernaut have several campaigns tailored to meet your goal from generating leads to sales almost instantly. Free guides, quizzes/assessments, giveaways, and shipping’s are one of the many common ways to generate leads on Facebook.

YouTube Advertising

YouTube can work in almost any market. a piece of content video demonstrating a product or service is an effective way to engage with your audience. Engage with your audience to resolve a problem, such as “How to Fix a Tire”, “How to Cut a Hair”, and many more.

Google Ads Advertising

Google can work in almost any market. If you are unable to determine who your target audience by interests or demographics, alike Facebook and YouTube, then targeting prospects by keyword is the best method. You can actively target users searching for a solution to a specific problem and engage with them such as tips, methods, etc.

Twitter Advertising

Twitter can work in almost any market, especially if you are targeting a younger audience. You can engage with your audience with social media updates.

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn works best for selling high dollar products or services. You can engage with your audience with webinar or exlusive content to give away for free in exchange for the prospect’s contact information.


About the Author:

Ed Swindler II is the freelance web designer and marketer behind ESIIDeveloper